The SOS Proteus Information Centre is for curious visitors. Through information boards and a video presentation, visitors are educated about the importance of protecting human fish and groundwater resources, from which 99% of Slovenia’s drinking water is drawn.
You will learn about the living story of the human fish by visiting the large aquariums. For the first time since the human fish were first shown to the public, animals rescued from outside caves after floods, where they could not otherwise survive, are on display.
Based on 60 years of experience of the Tular Cave Laboratory, the display is human fish friendly. As the first centre of its kind in the world, it also introduces monitoring of the impact of visitors on human fish, so that visitors will also help to improve living conditions.
By visiting the SOS Proteus Information Centre, you will also become a direct supporter of the human fish – the Tular Cave Laboratory invests all the funds it raises in research and protection of the human fish.
Experience offered by: Kranj